
Original Openscapes artwork by Allison Horst

Artwork by Dr. Allison Horst helps bring Openscapes ideas and feelings to life, we are so grateful to work with her.

Open landscapes

Click image to open at high resolution in a new tab.

Openscapes Champions

Learn more about the behind-the-scenes creation of this piece in our 2021 CascadiaR keynote Open science as a movement and the art of Openscapes

Openscapes Theory of Change

Seaside Chat illustration

Let’s normalize talking about data (analysis & stewardship)!

Julia Lowndes useR! 2019 keynote illustrations

From Allison’s openscapes artwork on github:

This folder contains artwork that was conceived of, and presented by, Dr. Julia Lowndes (@jules32) - director of Openscapes for talks including her opening keynote at the useR! 2019 conference. (Slides are here).

Please credit this Openscapes artwork with: “Artwork from @juliesquid for @openscapes (illustrated by @allison_horst).”

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

An extended version of the classic R4DS schematic from Grolemund & Wickham, with environmental data science, communities, and communication added:

Data science & teamwork feedback loop:

Luke doesn’t have the tools when he crashes on Dagobah…

…but Yoda shows him what’s possible with the foRce.

Which is so powerful!

But even if you become a Jedi, you still need your community to defeat the Empire:

Tidy Data Illustrated Series

Tidy data for efficiency, reproducibility, and collaboration — an illustrated series as a blog and slides for reuse in the classroom and beyond.